Thursday, January 21, 2016

PHP INSERT INTO: Add New Record Into A Database

Data is essential in an organization. So storing it in a database helps an organization to easily store it so they can retrieve it in the near future. Here is a code to insert new record in the database using PHP and MySQL.

Let's assume that you already have your input controls such as textbox, buttons, checkbox, etc.



PHP Code
$last=$_POST['name of textbox for lastname'];
$first=$_POST['name of textbox for firstname'];
//insert to db
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO student(stud_last,stud_first) values ('$last','$first')") or die(mysqli_error());


PHP INSERT INTO: Add New Record Into A Database

PHP INSERT INTO: Add New Record Into A Database Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Emoblazz


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